Hello, this is Jason and this is my website. This is the obligatory front page designed in marketing terms to convince you that I’m who I say I am, and that my energy resonates with yours, and that you think I can help you, hence you are willing to pay me to do so.
But you’ve read thousands of pages like this, from semi-desperate coaches seeking your business. I figure I’ll dispense with that and just share a bit about things that interest me and lay out a schedule in case you want to work with me over this year, 2025.
Here’s a quote I like:
“The funny thing is that, despite all the newness, there’s something about all of it that feels - well, the only way I can put it is that it’s like coming home. As if there’s some part of me that already knows - knows this territory - and is saying Oh yes, of course. Almost a kind of remembering.”
-Ann Shulgin
And another:
“You can wake up within the game and make it a largely joyful experience - if you’re simply willing to remember that you’re a vast being who hungrily loves ALL dimensions of duality… and who avidly seeks it out, including the most terrible and inconvenient flavors of it, just for the poignant spicy scary weirdness of it all… however, the price of this waking up is that, alas, you will no longer be fully absorbed in the nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat drama of it all.”
-Carolyn Elliot
I usually describe my work along four lines: Healing, Inspiration (growth), Connection, and Adventure.
Open your heart, and go deep. It’s as simple and profound as that.
Across all four areas of your life: Body, Being (Spirituality), Balance (Relationships), Business (Abundance).
We follow a path of personal growth in all 5 area of unique human endowments:
Self Awareness (Clarity - Who are you?)
Conscience (Wisdom - Trust your own internal guidance system)
Imagination (Abundance - Create the life you want)
Self-Will (Power - Develop the strength to get you there).
Laughter (The joy of the ride).
Here’s a quote from Josh, a man I’ve worked with:
In reflecting here at the airport about the event with you Jason: It was one of the most powerful weekends of my life. You and your team served me at the highest level and have changed my life and the life of my wife, daughter and son. You have exceeded all expectations. You embody the code. Thank you for everything you have given me...
Read Reviews HERE
If you want to connect with me:
Here is another testimonial:
"The connection my husband and I have experienced as a result of working with Jason and Jennie is deep, profound and beautiful. We have found many keys that have unlocked much happiness and opened many channels of communication for us here. The real life aspect of this workshop has been very useful; Jason, Jennie and Suzanne teach powerful tools that create massive transformation and connection in relationship."
-Melanie Lake
In the marketing game it’s powerful to share testimonials. Here are three couple that might give you a sense of what I do.
Divorced and Need Help? Watch the short case study video of Susan Taylor’s story.

2025 Schedule
Scheduled events include Heber Meditation Retreats, Shades of Intimacy (relationship intensive), Elemental Feminine (women’s event), and Modern Day Warrior (men’s event).
We typically do Heber Meditation Retreats on the weekends (Friday through Sunday), but if you want to schedule a private event during the week reach out for availability.
March 7-9 – Private Retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada - CLOSED
March 14-16 – Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
March 21-23 – Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
March 28-30 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
April 4-6 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
April 11-13 - Modern Day Warrior 8 - Enrolling Now - OPEN
April 18-20 - Easter Sunday - CLOSED
April 25-27 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
May 2-4 - Marathon - CLOSED
May 9-11 - Mother’s Day - CLOSED
May 16-18 - Private Retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada - CLOSED
May 22-25 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
May 30 - June 1st - Private Retreat in Wallsburg, Utah - CLOSED
June 6-8 - Whisper Event - Large Scale Retreat in Utah - Registration Opening Soon
June 13-15 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
June 20-22 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
June 27-29 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
July 11-13 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
July 18-20 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
July 24-27 - Private Retreat Wallsburg - CLOSED
August 1-3 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
August 8-10 - Private Retreat - FULL
August 15-17 - Shades of Intimacy - OPEN
August 22-24 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
August 29-31 - Private Retreat (Layton) - FULL
September 5-7 - Private Retreat (Salt Lake City) - FULL
September 12-14 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
September 19-21 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
September 26-28 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
October 3-5 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
October 10-12 - Whispers Event - OPEN
October 17-19 - Whispers Event - OPEN
October 24-26 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
October 31 - November 2 - Halloween - CLOSED
November 7-9 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
November 14-16 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
November 21-23 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
December 4-7 - Private Retreat - CLOSED
December 12-14 - Heber Meditation Retreat - OPEN
Closed for the Rest of 2025 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!

I offer three different intensive workshop experiences.
For both Men and Women and Couples: Shades of Intimacy Marriage and Relationship Retreat and Boot Camp.
For men: The Modern Day Warrior Men’s Retreat: Sharpening your Masculine Sword in a world that has dulled and disregarded and degraded it.
For women: The Elemental Feminine, coached by my wife Jennie.
Each workshop retreat is a unique experience with it's own theme, discussions, exercises designed to give you a pattern interrupt from your old way of surviving into a whole new world of thriving possibilities through Polarity and Embodiment in all four pillars of your life: Body, Being, Balance, Business, and of course, the Bedroom.

Shades of Intimacy
3 Day Co-Ed Workshop Intensives.
A designed crucible peak experience create to get your relationship radically back on track while giving you the long term tools and community support to keep in thriving well into the decades.
Held in a private location in the Mountains of Utah.
For more information and upcoming schedules click: HERE

Modern Day Warrior
3 Day Men's Only Workshop Men’s Reatreat.
A crucible experience created to shake you loose of your old life and expand you into an infinite world of new possibilities, with skillsets, mindsets, tools and brotherhood offering long term affordable support.
Held in a private location in the Mountains of Utah.
For more information and upcoming schedules click: HERE.

Elemental Feminine
3 Day Women's Only Workshop Retreat.
A powerful experience created to shake you loose of your old life and expand you into an infinite world of new possibilities with the realms of polarity amidst a supportive tribe of power women who hold you long after the event is complete.
Held in a private location in the Mountains of Utah.
For more information and upcoming schedules click: HERE

Jason and Jennie also offer an array of other services for life coaching and sexual intimacy including:
Affordable Private Online counseling sessions
Private Life Evolution Personally Designed Programs
Private Men's & Women's Groups
Go to our Marriage Counseling Page to connect HERE.
If you have any questions about services, click HERE.
There is little that is more painful than a relationship that was once beautiful... and is now falling apart. For those of you in that position, our heart goes out to you. We were there. And yes, some situations are irreconcilable. But most relationships have hope.
Conversely, there is also little more painful than being unable to find the partner of your dreams. We've been there too. And we can help you.
There IS a way to create long term passionate intimacy and there is a way to find a partner that will fully meet you. It's possible, and these are the results the Shades of Intimacy belief system creates in your life. Take a dive into the deep end with us, come discover the hidden treasures of the heart. Here there be dragons... passionate, powerful, authentic, mad genius dragons. Together let's breathe in the flame of these dragons and set our world on fire with creativity, passion, and magick.